Outscape Games London: Drake’s Secret

Von | Juni 22, 2021

von Outscape Games London (webseite)

Central London

Sprachen: EN

120 minuten

Whispers of a rare and mysterious object, hidden inside the walls of the V&A Museum have existed forever but always dismissed by the authorities. Known as Drake’s secret, this object was found by the pirate captain in one of his voyages and kept out of the public eye.

Following the unexpected discovery of an old scroll, your team of renowned field archaeologists have received a desperate call to find the object and unveil the mystery - who hid it and why?

Your quest takes you to the halls of the V&A where exhibits hold vital clues. You are equipped with state-of-the-art devices that show you the path and support you in your mission. But you must act fast and discreetly: not everyone wants the truth to come out and you only have two hours before it’s lost forever.

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