Outscape Games London: The Wren Code

Von | Juni 22, 2021

von Outscape Games London (webseite)

Central London

Sprachen: EN

120 minuten

You are part of an elite team of agents working for her Majesty's Secret Service. We have just received credible intel that the Syndicate, the notorious criminal organisation and scourge of London, is about to carry out the greatest heist in the City’s history.

The country depends on you to follow their trail, collect clues and solve challenges in a desperate attempt to stop them!

Your team will be equipped with a GPS map and a state-of-the-art, user-friendly Augmented Reality interface to help you achieve your goal. You only have two hours at your disposal, so hurry!

Remember: there may be other teams operating in the field. Don’t trust them - the Syndicate has infiltrated our ranks and their people are everywhere. If you fail, all is lost....

Good luck!

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