Puzzle Card: Murder on the Line

Von | März 31, 2019

von Puzzle Card (webseite)

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A murder has taken place on-board the Wensley Express!
Your role is to use the clues located in the card to identify the murderer and bring them to justice.
The murder mystery card is perfect for any occasion - Birthday, Christmas or anything else!
The recipient must use the clues in the card to identify the murderer. Once known, they need to visit the Puzzle Card website to see if they are correct.
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Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

Puzzle Card's third card deviates a little from the first two: rather than the escape room puzzle style, it's designed as a murder mystery. This means the card has quite a bit of story text to read and digest; and you then need to combine that with the other clues on the card to work out which of four suspects is the guilty party. A gruesome murder might seem a little grisly for a birthday card; although unlike the other Puzzle Cards this one doesn't say 'birthday' anywhere on it, so is suitable...

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