von Random Rooms (webseite)
East Grinstead Sports Club, St Hill Road, RH19 4JU
1-5 Spieler
60 minuten
It's 60 minutes before the final game of the season. The opposing team don't reacon much on their chances of beating you with the season you've had. So they took it into their own hands before the match to lock you in your locker room, in the hope that you'll miss the start and have to forfiet. So with 60 minutes before that starting airhorn, can you and your team break the codes and find the clues to make it to the finals?
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Of all the names you could give an escape room, "Rundown Locker Room" does not suggest a polished and sophisticated experience. So it was with expectations kept firmly low that we signed up to play it.
The game is, appropriately, located in a sports centre, with the premise that you're the star players on a sports team, and the opposing players have locked you in an hour before the match. In an unusual twist your bags or other belongings are confiscated before the game starts and locked in the ...