von The Ultimate Escape Rooms Ventura (webseite)
1591 Spinnaker Drive #117 C, CA 93001
4-10 Spieler
4 Spieler: £65.00 $80.00
6 Spieler: £81.00 $100.00
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Deine Bewertung
Wei-Hwa Huang experte hat dies bewertet:
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
The Wizard's Lair had much to recommend it and I really wanted to like it - and in many respects I did. At the same time, this was one game which I thought didn't translate so well to the remote experience. Much of that was due to the game's more sophisticated elements - the very things that would have made it more fun to play in real life meant it didn't translate at well as many simpler games do.
Our mission was to rescue a kidnapped fairy from the lair of an evil wizard, a fantastical premis...
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