
Teamgröße: 1 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

Really a cool room, one of the few that blended the “real room” feel with digital puzzles well. It was also one of the few that I wished I had a partner for because there is just so much to do and it is a fairly nonlinear game so tons of things that can be done at the same time. Great if you have a medium to large size group who want to play together.

Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 50
immersivkaputte technik👻unheimlich

Haven’t played their other offerings and I don’t really feel up to it after this. While the atmosphere was great and I enjoyed some of the puzzles…the bad ended up mostly overshadowing all that. Some of the games puzzles were a pain to solve because they were blocked by menus or the puzzle was poorly designed so it was a pain to do. They also subtract 5 minutes for a clue and 10 for the answer so it felt like if it didn’t immediately click, it made more sense to just take the answer. This was especially true for a puzzle  that I understood 80% because I knew  that the clue would be what I already knew so it made more sense to just ask for the answer rather than waste my “time” on a clue that may not help. Most of the puzzles were quick and easy, nothing too complicated or difficult to do.