
Gespielt am: 4/3/16 Teamgröße: 11
Gespielt am: 8/21/17 Teamgröße: 7 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

**Location no longer in operation**

Gespielt am: 31 Mar 2022 Teamgröße: 3

Very good value for the money from this company, and the set-dressing and atmosphere for the room was great! Outside of two specific puzzles which we felt (as a team of three fairly experienced players) relied too much on sensory clues that toed the line of being inaccessible (for visual/hearing impaired), all the puzzles felt fair and were fun to solve.

Definitely recommend this room to all players! A party of no more than 5 is probably best due to the space inside.

Gespielt am: 28 Jan 2023 Teamgröße: 6
immersivstory-getriebentolles hosting😨gruselig

First, I do have to call out how delightful the Escape Hotel is as an overall venue and it really deserves it's place in the center of Hollywood! The small bar/restaurant on the second floor is delightfully in-theme with the spooky atmosphere (paranormal events and atmospheric lightning!) and the staff remain in haunting character. You can tell a lot of love goes into this place and it showed both outside and inside the Zombie room.

Zombie is the first room I've done at Escape Hotel, and it was an awesome experience that makes me eager to experience the other rooms. All the puzzles felt fair and were a great mix of physical props and mental puzzles. It's a very spooky atmosphere, but not actual jump scares though some of the puzzle solutions/activations can make a loud-ish noise if you're particularly jumpy. All in all, great experience that I recommend to all!