Athens, Apr 2023
Athens has a wealth of genuinely world-class games. Travelling enthusiasts looking to pack in as many games as possible may find, though, that it’s often difficult to schedule much before five or six on a weekday evening – it’s often easier to find a game that starts at midnight than one that starts at noon, at least when picking from the games that are most often recommended.
And that was the reason we booked a room at Exit Plan – because they had plenty of Monday mid-afternoon slots. The Quest for the Holy Grail has you searching a Masonic office for the concealed Grail to take it for safe keeping and/or the greater good.
It was – fine. We blitzed through the puzzles, though a few seemed a bit stretchy, and once we’d obtained the Grail there was an awkward pause while we tried to work out whether we’d finished or not. It was enjoyable enough without being memorable, and served as a warm-up for our evening schedule.
I realise that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement! But with such extraordinary games nearby, the main reason you might want to visit this one is for the same reason we did, to fill a gap in your schedule. Then again, when in Athens perhaps it’s worth playing one or two ‘normal’ escape rooms like this one to recalibrate your expectations, the better to appreciate the others. Also in Exit Plan’s favour: it’s inexpensive, and conveniently close to No Exit.