von Escapology San Diego (webseite)
3116 Mission Blvd, San Diego, CA 92109
2-8 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
60 minuten
You are Robert Montgomerie, the only remaining direct heir to the Kildermorie Estate and the Montgomerie family fortune. You’re attending a family gathering hosted by your Grandfather, Hugh ‘Monty’ Montgomerie, the 9th Earl of Kildermorie, to celebrate the dawn of the new Millennium. As the guests raise a toast, a scream fills the air…and your Grandfather is found dead in the library. It looks like MURDER, and as the direct heir, all fingers are now pointed at you! Will hidden clues reveal distant family secrets? With the police on their way, can you gather enough evidence and piece the story together to prove your innocence? And the biggest challenge of all: Is it even remotely possible to solve the mystery before the clock strikes 12?
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