Xscream Escapes: Satan’s Grotto 2024: The Insanity Claus

Von | Dezember 27, 2024

von Xscream Escapes (webseite)

Enterprise House, Ashford Road, Ashford, TW15 1XG


2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

jetzt geschlossen

Spending all year in the cold with Mrs Claus and the reindeer has sent Santa mad, he’s sick of delivering presents and wants to retire. His warped mind has figured that the only way to do this is by killing every child in the world.

This festive season he’s making one final night of deliveries with ricin puddings and exploding crackers for everyone! The reindeer are split over this plan into “good” and “bad” factions. Mrs Claus is definitely in the good camp but as Christmas grows nearer she has disappeared along with the good reindeer.

Aided by the nauseatingly obsequious Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer Santa’s plan is bound to succeed ….. or is it.?

It might be too late for Mrs Claus and the “good” reindeer but before disappearing they managed to insert a disarm code into the crackers – can you find it and save all of the children in the world?’

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