The Puzzle Room Cannock: Area 51: Alien Invasion

Von | Dezember 27, 2024

von The Puzzle Room Cannock (webseite)

Unit 37, Cannock Shopping Centre, Market Hall St, Cannock WS11 1WS


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


In 1972 a space ship crash landed into the Mojave desert in Nevada. The United States Secret Service swiftly transported the wreckage to Area 51. Scientists studied the life-forms found on-board for years and discovered that they called themselves the Kryllians. Over time the Kryllians and the scientists seemed to grow a close bond and shared information with eachother about eachothers world. The scientists believed that the Kryllians would be humans first inter-gallactic ally. That was until the Kryllians revealed their true intentions. They were not befriending us they were anaylising the planet. They established our strengths and weakness and how to combat us so they could take over our world.

You and your team have 60 minutes to stop the Kryllians from escaping and taking over the world. Have you got what it takes?

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