Gamesaints Lincoln: Ripper’s Road

Von | Oktober 27, 2024

von Gamesaints Lincoln (webseite)

Sessions House, Monks Rd, Cathedral St, Lincoln LN2 5HQ


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Jack the Ripper has struck again leaving his latest victim lying in the streets of Whitechapel. Despite the police's best efforts the victim is still not identified. That’s where you come in. Help the police identify the victim before other detectives beat you to it.
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Vorläufig bewertet mit 1 von 5

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thetwosome hat dies bewertet:Rated between 1 and 1 out of 5
unlogischschlechtes hostingüberteuertsehr leicht

Worse than the other ones we played here, at least in that one the door was actually locked.

This game has two doors which remain open the whole time for any college student (and even the staff) to just wander through! 

Dreadful game

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