Escape One Algarve: Catastrophe

Von | August 19, 2024

von Escape One Algarve (webseite)

Edifício Pátio Da Rocha, Escritório 5, Rua Das Ânforas, Praia Da Rocha, 8500-325


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, PO

60 minuten

Ready to take on the maddest rescue mission of your life? This kitty isn't ready to die quite yet, but the only way you're going to save him is if you take a trip outside time and space.

Unfortunately, leaving the world of the living is generally a one-way journey. Will the Grim Reaper be pleased to get their faithful friend back, or will they choose to focus on those in whose hands he died?

There’s certainly no avoiding dying, but they do say that cats have nine lives. Maybe, just maybe, there is a way to cheat Death?

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