MysteryLocks Home Escape Rooms: Defuse the Bomb

Von | Juli 28, 2024

von MysteryLocks Home Escape Rooms (webseite)


£6.00 $7.00

Sprachen: EN

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30 minuten
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Embark on a thrilling secret agent mission from the comfort of your own home with our DIY printable escape room game! Channel your inner spy as you navigate through a labyrinth of challenges, puzzles, and obstacles to save the world from disaster.

Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding narrative of a secret agent on a mission to defuse a bomb. With our printable escape room kit, you'll step into the shoes of a top-notch operative, solving cryptic riddles and cracking codes to secure the safety of nations.

Gather your fellow agents, friends, or family members and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with suspense and excitement. With our DIY printable escape room game, the adventure begins the moment you hit print. Get ready to unleash your inner hero – download our printable escape room game now and start your mission today!

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