Breakout Manchester: Underworld

Von | Juni 27, 2024

von Breakout Manchester (webseite)

87 Newton St, Manchester M1 1EX


2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

The Gods have ruled from Mount Olympus for millenia, but with their rule came jealousy... 

Infuriated by their power, Eris, goddess of discord and strife, captured each god with a strong binding spell... 

With the gods missing, the world has descended into chaos... 

As recently deceased souls, Hades, ruler of the Underworld, last of the gods, has enlisted your help. However, upon your arrival, Hades' throne sits empty... And you must continue alone. 

Now, to escape the Underworld, you must pay the Ferryman your fare. So make your way through Hades' domain and seek passage back to the world of the living… 

Before the final hour is done...
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