Aftermath The Game: Operation Codebreaker

Von | Juni 27, 2024

von Aftermath The Game (webseite)


5-25 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

kein fester Standort
für kinder

Attention, young adventurers! Prepare for an extraordinary journey tailored exclusively for kids between the ages of 8 and 12. In this immersive and action-packed in-person game, you'll find yourselves in the midst of an exhilarating mystery. Emilia Sarnowska, a brilliant mind, has vanished without a trace, and it's up to your team of junior recruits to piece together the clues scattered across the globe.

Unleash your problem-solving skills, work together, and outsmart the sinister forces lurking in the shadows. Best of all, this non-violent and age-appropriate adventure guarantees 60 minutes of excitement and entertainment. Are you ready to become heroes and rescue Emilia from the clutches of darkness? Join us on this thrilling quest and unlock the secrets that await!

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