Escape Mate: Atlantis

Von | Juni 5, 2024

von Escape Mate (webseite)

12 Johnston Street, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011


4-16 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

90 minuten

A recent earth quake has brought up a mysterious ship wreck to the surface.

We believe that this ship can help to solve the greatest mystery of human history: Atlantis.

We need you to embark on this vessel and find the gates of Atlantis!

According to the legend, Atlantis was a paradise for a god-like human race, it built upon 7 islands by Poseidon himself who blessed his children, the Atlanteans with eternal life and wisdom.They were gifted with the ‘Mighty Crystal’ that kept all elements in balance and granted superhuman powers, advanced technology and knowledge of all things.

However, a few thousand years ago this great civilization was destroyed in one day and night and sank beneath the ocean.

We believe that the shipwreck hides the secrets of the ‘Mighty Crystal’ and the destruction of Atlantis.

You and your team of fellow adventures will need to work together to find the stolen power source of Atlantis. Keep your eyes peeled for clues and work with haste. Only a few are worthy of witnessing the wonders that lie beneath the surface and you only have one hour!

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