Puzzled Escape Rooms: AI Apocalypse

Von | Mai 26, 2024

von Puzzled Escape Rooms (webseite)

Ashwood House, 66 Cardiff Rd, Glan-y-llyn, Cardiff CF15 7QE


1-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Rollstuhlgeeignet - kontaktieren Sie den Veranstaltungsort für Details
In a future where rogue artificial intelligence has taken over, humanity finds itself at a critical point. While many of these AI entities have been neutralised, the digital landscape remains a battleground. Amidst the chaos, a particular virus has seized the controls of a crucial reactor management system. Your mission is critical: wrestle control from this digital entity and deactivate the reactor to avert a catastrophic meltdown. Please note, rather than your typical escape room this is a table based game designed to be played whilst seated, featuring 4 electronic cases, and various props including wires, notes, cards, locks, puzzles and more. Drinks and snacks will also be available for a relaxed, unique gaming experience.
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