Lost.sg: Castiglione 2.0

Von | Mai 22, 2024

von Lost.sg (webseite)

1 Sophia Rd, #03-01/02/03 Peace Centre


Bis zu 12 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Born into the confined world of a Jesuit order in Milan, an artist with a burning desire for creative freedom seizes a life-changing opportunity. This escape room challenges you to step into the shoes of this restless soul, navigating his secret pursuit of artistic and personal revelation. In "Castiglione 2.0: A Journey Beyond Canvas," uncover the hidden layers of his paintings and decode cryptic messages left behind in his quest for fulfillment. Each clue leads you deeper into his narrative, revealing fragments of a life torn between duty and desire.The true challenge lies in deciphering the clues intertwined within his masterpieces. Each solution brings you closer to understanding his ultimate pursuit and the legacy he hoped to create. This escape room offers more than just an escape; it's a journey into the heart of a man who dared to defy convention. Will you unlock the secret of his ultimate masterpiece and discover what drove him to chase his dreams across continents?
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