Lucardo Rawtenstall: Inspector

Von | März 23, 2024

von Lucardo Rawtenstall (webseite)

33 - 35 Kay Street, Rossendale, BB4 7LS


2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

45 minuten
One crisp, cold, wet December morning the postman arrived at 11:32am – he knocked on the door to hand deliver a very beautiful hand-crafted, sealed letter. You open the royal looking letter, carefully popping open the seal and peeling back the parchment to reveal it’s contents; “To Whom it may concern, you have been identified as the sole heir to the estate of the recently deceased Inspector Carsten Klaus . As you may know Mr Klaus was a very clever, forwarding thinking individual who on his death bed announced that only someone who is worthy of his fortune will be able to discover his secrets and retrieve his wealth. You are invited to B212 on Bark Street on the last day of the fourth month at 23:15 hours – good day.” Will you and your team be able to solve this mystery and take your rightful place as heir to Carsten Klaus’s estate?
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Bewertet mit 2 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

Deine Bewertung


Smoking Mirrors erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2.5 and 2.5 out of 5
Teamgröße: 2 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
tolles hostingüberteuert

Overpriced, Lightweight room. 

Overpriced for 2 that is. At the time of writing Inspector is £60 for two for 45mins(and the same for 3 and 4) whereas the Magic and Historic rooms are £54 for two, for 1 hour, rising to £81 for 3)

 I can only assume this is some kind of error, and they rectify it? As if you're a 2, then you'd definitely choose the other rooms? 

We were actually quite disappointed with this room. There weren't any reviews on here, so we went with our faith in the company, having really enjoyed their Magic and Historical rooms. 

But there just wasn't much to this. Not worth travelling for, unless you're actually doing one of their other rooms. On the plus side Adam is really good, and seems to run the place single handedly. 

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