Bromelain Games: The Secret of Langton Manor: Episode 1: Legacy

Von | Oktober 10, 2023

von Bromelain Games (webseite)

1-4 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

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60-120 minuten
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In 'Legacy,' the first episode of The Secret of Langton Manor, you receive a mysterious letter from your friend John inviting you to help restore an inherited mansion called Langton Manor. Upon your arrival, the enigmatic butler Samuel welcomes you, only to disappear mysteriously. As you explore the mansion to find clues and solve riddles, you begin to uncover strange occurrences, cryptic symbols, and unsettling journal entries. The house seems haunted, and your friend John's diary reveals his own rising sense of dread. With locked doors, missing keys, and time ticking away, you must solve the puzzles to unlock the manor's secrets and discover what lies in its shadowy corners.

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The Secret of Langton Manor is a fantastic Print & Play mystery that fuses an engaging story with fun and varied puzzles and creepy imagery. Best played at night, perhaps by candlelight, you are sure to end Episode I wanting more. 

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