Adventure Clues Sydney: Newtown – Adventure Into The Alternative

Von | Juli 6, 2023

von Adventure Clues Sydney (webseite)


Sprachen: EN

120-180 minuten

Prepare yourself for an adventure in Sydney’s coolest borough. Uncover the coolest spots in town as you meander along King Street and then off the beaten path to explore funky street art works and areas you never new existed. The 12 cryptic adventure clues have been designed so that you take in only the best sights that you’ll be telling your friends about. Visit the Shipwreck nearby the old church, and get up close to one of the ‘guardian dogs’ that act as gateways to the arts and entertainment district and also reflect the suburbs spirit of acceptance and tolerance. After clue number 8 you’ll have chance to take a rest break and taste the great coffee on offer at the city farm as small as your pocket. Your challenge is to solve all of the 12 cryptic clues to discover the backstories and secret hidden gems. So what are you waiting for? Go get on your hipster shades; solve the clues and most importantly adventure into the alternative!

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