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Gespielt am: 12 Jan 2025Teamgröße: 4Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingheftig😨gruselig
Looking back, was I too harsh on "The Cabin"? I've been talking for a while about the games in the UK needing to change their design paradigm and looking back I think Cabin did that without me realising it. When I played the Cabin it was part of a large group so I missed chunks of the game, would I have rated it higher?
Anyway, this is about the Basement, the sequel to that game. Once again you are up against a serial killer and his evil machinations. The theming and set design is once again superb and really does lift the bar for games like this. Like the Cabin, there is a live actor interaction and again this is where I begin to see the European influence. The interaction is very different to how most UK games would do it and it really enhances the game, some people will feel awkward talking but others will embrace it. The Actor was great throughout and responded well to our randomness. The Puzzles are all in keeping with the overall theme and don't feel out of place.
If I'm honest (and I try to be) I think Cabin was a slightly better game but this is still very much worth your while (and would make an amazing game to play one after the other).
Unsolved are quietly raising the bar with this series of games and should be applauded for it, I'm only sorry I didn't see it until now. I can't wait to see what Part 3 looks like.
Chapter 2 is also very immersive, has a communicative integration of acting and a large number of versatile puzzles. Charlotte and Bradley took a lot of time afterwards and were excellent hosts!
Anonymous hat dies bewertet:
Gespielt am: 5 May 2024Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 65Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Amazing hosts and well presented. The sets were very well designed. So many puzzles but added to the tension. The hosts were fantastic. Can’t recomend this company enough. Done both chapters and hopefully they are Working on a 3rd
Gespielt am: 29 Dec 2023Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 31:10Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingheftig😨gruselig
Great fun, even though it had a live actor they fully adds another level to the experience and they don't come anywhere near you (just saying). Really good puzzles, lot's to do, great signposting. Great GM (and actors). We recommend doing The Cabin and The Basement on the same day. p.s. There's a nice little cafe at the bottom of the hill.
These are the 100 highest rated escape rooms in the UK, as of 31st Dec 2024, based on combined ratings from enthusiasts, bloggers and experts - every game here comes highly recommended.