Scarlet Envelope: Santa’s Wish

Von | Dezember 12, 2022

von Scarlet Envelope (webseite)

£6.00 CA$10.00

Sprachen: EN

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Bewertet mit 4 von 5

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On the front of this card is a festive scene of ‘the night before Christmas’, with a roaring fireplace and stack of presents beneath the tree. Inside the card is a lovely poem about Christmas. But again, look closely and it holds the clue to solving the puzzles within. At it’s core then, there are four ‘puzzles’ and each one is looking for a single word output in order to complete the final line of a rather festive and puzzle-y poem. The puzzles are ‘hidden’ across the front, the back, and inside the card itself. The puzzles ranged from quick wins, to “okay I need a hint“, but overall this game fell on the more straightforward side – at least compared to some very outside the box thinking on the later cards in the series.

Scarlet Envelope has done a great job of making something that is equally cheerful and challenging, which is especially impressive considering the constraints of the medium.

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