Adventure Rooms Guernsey: Hysteria

Von | November 26, 2022

von Adventure Rooms Guernsey (webseite)

The Fermain Valley Hotel, Fermain Lane, St Peter Port, GY1 1ZZ


4-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

momentan nicht verfügbar
2 copies

Dr Frank is missing…

The brilliant scientist was spotted last time entering his office in the psychiatric clinic “Frank’s Mental Health Clinic” and nobody has seen him since! Get inside his office in order to discover what has happened. The door closes and you realise that you are now locked in the office… and not alone!

Will you be able to discover the truth and escape… or will you stay forever locked in the dark room of the “Hysteria House”?… Do you dare?

Players must be 18 or over to play

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