Bafflements Games Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Stag & Hen: Newcastle Edition

Von | August 28, 2022

von Bafflements Games Newcastle-upon-Tyne (webseite)

Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne

Bis zu 6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

90-120 minuten
The ultimate Stag and Hen escape game! Tour some of the city’s best bars and solve the puzzles to find the next venue. Ten fabulous places to eat and drink along the route. Can you resist the pull of a comfy seat and compete the challenge at speed, or will you stop at every hostelry along the way and be the slowest group ever? You may well meet other players along the route – a great chance to swap stories, build memories, create Insta moments and share the fun. Unlimited team numbers on up to six mobile devices
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