Can You Escape Malta: The Pirates Code

Von | August 26, 2022

von Can You Escape Malta (webseite)

Attard ATD4000


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

90 minuten
kein fester Standort
18 months ago an indigenous tribe in eastern Borneo dug up some kind of
treasure chest from the 17th century, but no one’s been able to open it.
Since that day, a number of strange tragedies have occurred within a 5 mile radius
of the site.

On January 9th, a class 5 tsunami claimed the lives of 4000 locals and
ravaged the island.
February 12th, American Airlines flight DC88 went down over the island without a trace, no distress signal was initiated and no fuselage was ever found. 285 souls were lost that day. Just last week, the Norwegian cruise liner Sunny Daze sunk in broad daylight, and those who
managed to board life boats were met with a frenzy of great whites, nearly 100 strong.

We believe these events are connected to the box, but the worlds’ greatest
minds have not been able to crack its devious codes. Our contract with the
Bornese government runs out in exactly 90 minutes.

We’ re counting on you to get to the bottom of this mystery and save the island before tragedy strikes again.

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