von Exit Escape (webseite)
Franje Kluza 1, Beograd 11000
2-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, SR
60 minuten
This game is in retro style. A group of competitors have the assignment to find the missing bowler and his lost fortune. During the game competitors become part of the exciting story while unique feeling of pleasure overwhelms them after having successfully completed all assignments.
The main goal of the game is to run away and find the trophy. However, to reach this goal, competitors have to unlock bunch of door locks and solve numerous logistic problems.
The scene is actually an apartment where the bowling winner lives. On previous competition he won a huge amount of money, because he took the first place. That is why the local mafia group got mad, because according to them our main character should lose. Taking into account that after the tournament he wasn’t safe anymore, he decided to disappear for a while and to hide the amount of money in his apartment. The assignment for the competitors is to find that money!