Claustrophobia Moscow: Houdini’s Academy

Von | August 7, 2022

von Claustrophobia Moscow (webseite)

1-Ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya Ulitsa, 7, Moscow, Russia


2-4 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, RU

60 minuten

Harry Houdini is a renowned conjuror and illusionist. He has demonstrated
to the whole world that he could get out of any set of handcuffs and escape
from any locked room. This time the conjuror decided to share his art and find
some trainees. How far can you go? Test your luck! Are you ready to pass an exam
and enter Houdini’s academy? You have one hour to make an escape in an attempt
to excel your legendary teacher!
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Bewertet zwischen 4 und 4.5 von 5 (geschätzt, basierend auf Bewertungen für andere Versionen dieses Spiels)

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Houdini is a prison escape game with a twist. The briefing describes how Houdini himself is the only prisoner to escape this jail, and you need to beat his escape time of 60 minutes to prove yourself worthy of joining the great man on tour. Also, there's something about a theatre performance. That might sound a bit incoherent, and I can't say the plot makes a whole lot of sense on paper, but it worked much better in practice than that suggests. It took a standard jail escape scenario and mixed i...

Houdini delivers exactly what you'd expect from Claustrophobia rooms. Beautifully appointed rooms with linear puzzles, a strong focus on storytelling (if not always entirely coherent) and a great element of surprise. The moments that will definitely stay in our minds here is the game's start and the integrated larger "stage trick". We recommend a maximum of 3 players.

L'enseigne Phobia de Paris s'est specialisée dans une ambiance quelque peu sombre, mystérieuse et mystique. Dans cette salle on nous emmène dans un milieu plutôt magique! Lors de notre arrivée dans l'enseigne on boit un peu d'eau et notre MJ vient nous chercher, nous empêche de regarder à notre entrée dans la pièce et tout à coup ca devient hyper impressionnant (pour moi du moins), plein de MJs (4) viennent nous chercher,...

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