Get Out: The Comeback Tour

Von | Juli 25, 2022

von Get Out (webseite)

Unit 8, Horsefair Centre, Wisbech PE13 1AR


Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


Heavy Metal band Night Terrors are making their huge comeback today, they haven’t toured live since breaking up in 1991 when the band members fell out.

Micky “Hellraiser” Jett, the lead guitarist and vocalist for the band, believed his guitar pick was magic, and using it would mean his performance was perfect every time. When the band broke up, he hid this pick away in his old practice room. He locked it away so well, that he has been unable to find it for years, but he knows he left clues on how to get it.

The band are due to play their comeback gig tonight as part of the “Last Chance to Raise Hell” tour, but Micky is refusing to play unless the pick is found. You need to find the pick or this gig isn’t going ahead, and 80,000 Night Terrors fans are going to be let down.

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