von Fun Universe (webseite)
C. Maestra Ángeles Aspiazu, Num 18, Planta 0, Puerta 1, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga
2-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, ES
Existe un gran misterio sobre la suite de Lady Malory, una joven viuda adinerada que se hospedaba en el Hotel Russell desde hacía un largo tiempo. Un día, apareció muerta en su habitación, todo apuntaba a un suicidio, pero la policía cerro la habitación e investigo al personal del lujoso hotel. Al final no encontraron indicios de que se hubiese forzado nada, aunque no se encontraron ni sus joyas ni sus posesiones mas valiosas, tuvieron que dar el caso por cerrado y clasificarlo como suicidio.
Las portadas de los periódicos se hicieron eco del escandalo de su muerte. Se saco a la luz que Lady Malory poseía una gran fortuna que viajaba con ella.
Desde entonces, y debido al escándalo que se formó, la habitación ha permanecido cerrada y nadie puede entrar. Pero se dice que su fortuna aún sigue escondida en algún rincón de esa habitación.
Os ha contratado el cuñado de Lady Malory, Lord Henry Brown, para que descubráis que ha ocurrido con la fortuna que le pertenece, pero pide discreción, pues no quiere manchar más el nombre de su familia. Y tiene confianza de que seréis capaces, pues vuestra fama os precede. ¿La hallaréis?

basierend auf Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer
Deine Bewertung

A wealthy lady that have travelled a lot has suddenly died in Hotel Russell and the police ruled it suicide. A family member asks you to investigate what really happened and find the family jewels.
This is the only escape room for this facility and it could be played in English and Spanish. The English version had very little Spanish in it (a few words that you could guess). A bit of interaction with the GM during the game (part of the puzzles) and he spoke English well enough.
The game is set to 90 minutes and we used 91, but was allowed to finish our game. No countdown in the room. The venue was late in starting us because they allowed the group before to finish and the reset took a lot of time. Very long story intro that was not needed for the enjoyment of the room.
The rooms felt a bit beat up. I guess other guests had not behaved as well as could be expected. The game unfolded well and ended up being quite big. A few locks but mostly technology used. It did feel a bit fiddly (you had to move things around a bit to make the locks disengage), but also magical.
We did have one puzzle that we simply thought we could not do - it was way too fast for us. But in the end we managed after many many tries. Nice mix of puzzles in the room - lots of things that needed to be put in its place, a counting puzzle, matching puzzles, a math problem (not difficult though we could have used a pen and paper for that one).
No jump scares or physically challenging puzzles (no jumping, crawling or so on). Family friendly though a very religious family might not like the theme all the way through.
Would happily recommend this room if you are in Fuengirola. Apply patience and if you think something should happen and it does not - try fiddling a bit with it.