Bavanshee Escape Games: The Vampire Council

Von | Dezember 30, 2021

von Bavanshee Escape Games (webseite)

Reset, 12 John St, Aberdeen AB25 1BT


Sprachen: EN

120 minuten

On February 11th 2022, the Leaders of the Vampire Council will meet with the leaders of the humans to discuss a recent murder- breaking the 300 year treaty of no killing the other species.

Unless we can solve the murder (and quickly), all out war will break out between the humans and the vampires.

The vampire council is a role play murder mystery game where you will play a character in the event (one of you will even be the killer).

Choose between a human or a vampire and receive your character sheet in advance to get into costume/character.

On the night our host will welcome you and start the evening off. Over the course of the evening, speak to other characters, find the clues and solve the murder.

Over 18's only.

Price includes a tea or coffee

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