You and a group of salty sea-dogs mutaneered from your captain to pursue a mysterious treasure on an ancient island. You found your prize, but your new skipper wasn’t far behind and has thrown you in the brig. Can you escape with your treasure, and your lives?
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Gespielt am: 16 Feb 2025Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 47m
originalimmersivheftigziemlich schwierig😨gruselig
Something unique. You start handcuffed to a chain on the wall, separated from your team mates, and have to break out of your cell, then the room.
Due to the restraints, the puzzles are more around what you can reach, and relying on communicating with your party to get out. It's really innovative, and a lot of fun.
Some reviews called this "dangerous" and I couldn't disagree more. Nothing about this hurt, we were all given emergency keys for our cuffs, and the room, and the clip to the handcuffs can be taken off if you find it too much. Obviously using any of the safety measures made the game much easier, but it built a lot of confidence to just stay manacled and solve the puzzle, knowing you were in control the entire time.
What a great game. Some real thinkers in there. Brilliant concept I haven't seen before. The owner (I'm sorry I can't remember) was brilliant as our host, with sleepy sidekick Hovis (beautiful dog).
Ehhh, good room. Lots of padlocks and flowing story but a small room. I love the way this room starts but it lacks in depth. Good puzzles just wish there was more to explore
Gespielt am: 29 Mar 2024Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 28ishErgebnis: Entkommen!
Very well themed room, and uses handcuffs in a more fun way that I haven't seen before. It does rely on good communication and each person in the room pulling their weight. Thoroughly enjoyed it and there were some original puzzles in there. We just expected a little bit more from it. As when thinking about it, there were really only 3/4 actual puzzles in there, they just needed to be repeated couple times. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing as we still enjoyed ourselves and they were interesting enough. But we didn't end the room feeling "is that it?". Host/Owner was lovely and we did enjoy our time with his dog Hovis.