C. Juana Francés, 2, Nave 18, 28522 Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid
4-8 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, ES
La historia nos habla de la hermana Clara, que habita junto con las demás hermanas en la Abadía. Una serie de sucesos extraños llevan a la hermana a informar a la Iglesia sobre lo acontecido allí.
Un demonio tiene atemorizado al clero. La Iglesia se pone en contacto con el Padre Eusebio, un experto demonólogo, que sin demora contacta con las hermanas.
La hermana Clara le advierte:
«Padre, necesitamos ayuda, vemos a una hermana que se parece a nosotras, pero no es una de nosotras ¡es algo impío!»
Tras los relatos de la hermana, el Padre Eusebio comienza a investigar la historia. Descubre un terrible hecho: siglos antes un demonio fue emparedado en los muros de la Abadía de Santa Clara.
El Padre Eusebio, preocupado porque Clara no da señales de vida, decide pedir ayuda a los habitantes de un pueblo cercano, para comprobar qué sucede realmente allí.

basierend auf Bewertungen von 4 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

If you are not a fan of scary games, do not let this put you off. This game is world-class, has great puzzles, and the scary moments are so well done, and you will not know where the actors have disappeared to!
Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
With just one day in Madrid to fit in escape rooms, La Santa was top of the list; since it has a minimum team size of three, we were only able to play it at all because the prospect of it tempted our third team member into booking a weekend city break to join us.
This is a supernatural horror theme full of religious imagery, which appears to take inspiration from the movie The Nun. You are emissaries sent from the Vatican to deal with reports of demon possession at the abbey. As with many Span...
I had been eagerly awaiting this game since it was announced long time ago. I even hoped to play it in our last trip to Madrid in January 2020, but it was not open back then. Expectations were high and the comments heard about it were promising.
Sometimes horror rooms tend to repeat themselves and for us it was not the first time in our escape career facing an evil nun. It is actually a topic repeatedly found in Spain and Greece, which is not surprising given that religion is much more present in these countries compared to, for instance, the Netherlands. In any case, I am happy to say, that this was not just one more room with this topic, but rather a room that clearly stands out and positions itself among the top of its kind.