von Bowl'n'Fun Odense (webseite)
Grønløkken 3, 5000 Odense
Sprachen: DA
60 minuten
Hvis de beviser du holder i din hånd er korrekte, kan du og dit politislæng langt om længe fange morderen. Det er op til jer nu – kun I kan afslutte sagen! I er lige i hælene på Jack the Ripper.

basierend auf Bewertungen von 9 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 3 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

We got stuck for an embarrassingly long time on two parts (it just wasn't our day!) so I didn't expect to finish (which would've been a first), but then suddenly we completed it. It felt very short with few puzzles. It's a good beginner room as every step of very obvious where you need to focus.

My other experiences at this venue have all been good, which makes this room even more of a disappointment.
Now, part of the problem was that it was a very hot day when we played - and I was heavily pregnant which didn’t help - but I think venues need to ensure good ventilation in hot weather so that players don’t overheat. This room was like a sauna!
The room decorations were initially promising, however some pieces of the fake wall were broken, revealing bits of polystyrene, which rather spoiled the sense that we were in Victorian London. The puzzles themselves seemed illogical, with the final flourish in particular falling flat. If the GM needs to explain how it’s supposed to work afterwards, it hasn’t worked!
Escape Game Over are generally a great venue, but I can’t recommend this room.

First impressions were very good. Very well themed upon entering the first room.
Sadly, it all went downhill after that. The amount of content that was actually in the game was extremely poor and many of the "puzzles" badly flawed. Without giving too much away, the final 2 puzzles required a bit of technology that just didn't work. The GM had to keep coming over the intercom to tell us to be louder or to move farther away, and to be honest, they just didn't make any sense.
It would be a great little starter game for anyone starting out in escape rooms, but anyone that has done more than 2 rooms, avoid this game
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