Vive una increíble y épica aventura mística que va mucho más allá que un Escape Room convencional, en un entorno de más de 215m2, con escenarios y efectos increíbles adornados con ambientación estilo anime. Protagonizaréis todo tipo de momentos épicos e inolvidables llenos de emoción y diversión.Te sentirás dentro de un parque temático, siendo la mezcla perfecta entre Escape Room de última generación y atracción. Tú y tu equipo de guerreros, tendréis que resolver todo tipo de pruebas: mentales, mecánicas y algo físicas, hasta lograr vuestro objetivo.¿Preparados para sentir el poder definitivo?
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Anonymous experte hat dies bewertet:
Ergebnis: Entkommen!
If I had prior knowledge of Dragon Ball Z, this game may have meant more to me. Also, if I understood Spanish, I'd get more out the videos.
The spacer is huge, the set decorations can be out of this world. The white zones seem grubby and could do with another paint job. The characters are used very well, but with no English for this game you are left standing around for some of the good video scenes with little idea of the story. This is no fault on the company, this game is not designed for English speakers.
But, I found much of this game to be a put a thing in a thing, and some process-of-elimination puzzles gave this game a less-than-perfect score.
The Chamber of Light and Time lives on its fanservice and is mainly aimed at fans of Dragonball, who will probably appreciate the details and also the puzzles more than for non-experts of the anime. But even for them, The Chamber of Light and Time offers some showpieces that will make them wonder. However, the puzzles here aren’t exactly the strongest part of this adventure, and thus don’t offer much in the way of novelty or variety for experienced Escape Room players. It also fits that Mayto Kingdom promote this more of a theme park with Escape elements than a real Escape Room adventure. The Chamber of Light and Time is the perfect room for families and inexperienced Escape Room groups.