VR Escape Grantham: Dagger of Time

Von | September 29, 2021

von VR Escape Grantham (webseite)

21 London Rd, Grantham NG31 6EX


2-4 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

virtuelle Realität
The story takes place just after the events of the Two Thrones. The players are summoned by Kaileena, the Empress of Time, to stop the evil plans of a Magi who is attempting to restore the sands to the Hourglass to create an army of Sand Monsters. Kaileena restores and gives the Dagger of Time to the players so they can reach the Hourglass Chamber and use it to stop the Magi. Will you make it on time?
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Vorläufig bewertet mit 4.5 von 5 (geschätzt, basierend auf Bewertungen für andere Versionen dieses Spiels)

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The Escape Roomer blog hat dies bewertet:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 18/10/2020 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 1hr 7 mins

The Dagger of Time is HERE! After being teased quite early in 2020 (before *gestures at the world* all this happened), it finally launched this month at ClueQuest! After dabbing our way to victory through Escape the Lost Pyramid back in 2019, I was pleasantly pleased to say the dabbing mechanic is the same … No, improved in The Dagger of Time!

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