von Escape The Crate (webseite)
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Only days after the famous “Roswell Incident” shook the world, another crash was discovered in the desert only miles away. The boss is a bit shaken by the discovery, as this was not supposed to happen in the timeline. When the world finds out about the flying saucer, it will start a panic like we have never seen before. The United States government has contacted you to help “cover-up” the newest crash in this hotbed of UFO activity. You have only a short amount of time to examine the craft, come up with ingenious ways to disguise what happened, and to see if the beings onboard are still alive. You then have to somehow sneak the saucer to a secret government facility without the press snapping a photograph… Sounds easy, right? This 2 chapter game is eerie, yet family-friendly, and will push your critical thinking to new heights! Let’s just hope that they came in peace…
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