Enigma Emporium: Funny Pages

Von | Juli 13, 2021

von Enigma Emporium (webseite)

£41.00 $50.00

Sprachen: EN

📦escape book
For years, Stephen Kelly's legendary comic strip Square Peg, Round Hole was beloved by millions and appears in newspapers across the world. Then everything changed with a single, mysterious envelope...
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We've been super excited about this new project by The Enigma Emporium for awhile now and it did not disappoint! The narrative was clever and witty. The puzzles were challenging yet satisfying. Additionally, the quality of the materials used can easily resist damage making it quite easy to replay or regift the game in the future. "Funny Pages" took the "seriousness" out of puzzling and fill it up with laughter. You can enjoy the game as a solo player or share it with your loved ones. No matter what you decide, just remember the end goal: Have fun!

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