Huntsmans Lane, Foxearth, Sudbury CO10 7JX
2-4 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
60 minuten
Welcome intrepid adventurers!
You are about to embark on that age-old quest: the search for fortune and glory!
And so, by the power of imagination alone, you find yourselves deep in the Indian jungle, encamped outside the gates of the once majestic 'Peacock Palace', which has long since been abandoned and left to the ravages of time and nature.
Legend has it that, centuries ago, the Maharaja hid his most fabulous treasure, an emerald of incalculable worth, known as 'The Eye of the Peacock', somewhere within the palace walls and devised a series of fiendish puzzles and deadly booby traps to keep it safe so that only the most worthy would one day come to possess it.
That day has yet to come.
Many previous expeditions have tried in vain to navigate their way through the palace and decipher the puzzles. Once inside, however, only those who find the jewel will have the means to escape and since, to this day, its hiding place remains undiscovered, no one who has entered has ever been seen again!
Will you succeed where all before have failed?
Do you dare take on the challenge?

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