Mystery Mansion Regina: Hotel Hijinks

Von | Juni 26, 2021

von Mystery Mansion Regina (webseite)

1828 Scarth St, Regina, SK S4P 2G3

£18.00 CA$31.50

Sprachen: EN

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This game concentrates less on narrative but more on puzzles and pure FUN! Even if you have completed all the game components, you might still be sucked into playing the arcade and casino games for awhile. Since you have a full 3 days to enjoy the hotel stay after check-in, you can decide when you want the fun to end.

Mystery Mansion Regina will be hosting weekly competitive events where up to 12 teams can sign up and face off against each other. Teams will be timed and the use of hints will add a time penalty, so that scores can be accurately tracked. The first tournament will be on July 11th at 12PM MDT. If you like to play the non competitive way, the individual game tickets will be available starting July 12th. I wonder what the prize will be for first place. But I'm pretty sure for some of our competitive friends out there bragging rights is all they need! By the way, this is just Ep #1. I can't wait for rest of the trilogy!

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