Escape Hunt Watford: Jungle Quest

Von | Juni 25, 2021

von Escape Hunt Watford (webseite)


2-4 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

50 minuten
virtuelle Realität
Rollstuhlgeeignet - kontaktieren Sie den Veranstaltungsort für Details

Step into the middle of a breath-taking world far away from your own. You and your friends find yourself transported atop a floating island filled with flowing waterfalls, majestic wild animals and incredible flora. It’s paradise, but not all is as it seems…

To find your way home you’ll need to use all of your wits. Race against the clock to solve puzzles, unlock portals and leap your way back to freedom.

You have 50 minutes to work together and find the portal that will take you back to your own world.
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