The Great Escape: Prison Break

Von | Mai 31, 2021

von The Great Escape (webseite)


2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Rikers Island is an infamous prison located in The Bronx, New York. Since its establishment, only a few have managed to escape out of it. One from the few was Anthony Skape. He’s got help from inside but naturally, none of his fellows are ready to cooperate with the police. Federal agent Murphy has been sent to prison with a cover story of an attempted murder which has allowed him to infiltrate the prison. The players have to help the agent, who is trying to find Anthony Skape’s means of escape and hopefully pick up his trail.

*PLEASE NOTE* Due to the nature of some aspects of this game it is not suitable for players under 18 years of age. Bookings made which include under 18s will not be honoured on the day and ID may be requested by staff. Thank you for your cooperation.

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