One minute you are out in the woods, the next thing you know, you wake up in a strange cabin… it’s a matter of life or death… the question is, are you willing to fight for your freedom?
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Gespielt am: 8 Aug 2024Teamgröße: 3Benötigte Zeit: 59Ergebnis: Entkommen!
preis-leistungs-verhältnistolles hosting😨gruselig
Great hosting, Great value, and Great puzzles, what more do you want? None of the rooms here are going to trouble TERPECA
but I can't think of anywhere better in this area.
This was only a fairly small single room, but well designed and packed with some great puzzles. It was creepy rather than scary, I had a 7 year old and it was fine. Definitely recommend this company.
Nothing wowing or grandiose in this game, but it offers a variety of puzzles, with a rewarding progress and logical flow. Plus, Ormskirk is lovely to visit! Recommend. 🙂
Gespielt am: 4 Mar 2022Teamgröße: 2Benötigte Zeit: 54Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivtolles hostingheftig😨gruselig
Loved the immersion of the room, great hosting and perfect introduction video to set the scene. Lots of great puzzles but a couple that didn’t seem to fit. Small space but they did pack in a few surprises. Mostly traditional locks but the tech elements were well done.
Perhaps on the easier side, The Lodge would be a great entry level game for those thinking of trying an escape room. Even enthusiasts should have a good time as the puzzles are decent and the theming is spot on.
The moment we set foot into the Lodge, all we could think of was Shia
Lebeouf… such was the theme and setting and Lockdown had it spot on, a
not so innocent shack in the woods, rustic homely but just a little bit