Escapists: The Corporate Kidnapping

Von | Mai 4, 2021

von Escapists (webseite)

2-8 Spieler

2 Spieler: £23.00 €28.00
4 Spieler: £35.00 €42.00
6 Spieler: £59.00 €70.00

90 minuten
You are the newest employee of the Interwish Company. However, in your first hour at the job, your co-worker has gone missing. It is your job to find out what happened to her and what secrets are buried deep beneath the surface.
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If you are into detective style RPG type of game then you'll have a lot of fun with this game as it takes you from a very clear plot of Anna being missing into something very unexpected. Sometimes we weren't even sure if this organization was real or not as we got lost in this virtual world. Make sure you're use to having lots of tabs open as you'll be maneuvering between multiple screens. This was more challenging than the puzzles themselves. Since it's a timed game (we finished in 58 minutes), you also felt the urgency especially towards the end when there's a decision to be made. Round up a strong team so everyone can take on different tasks and hopefully you'll be able to discover who's behind the kidnapping.

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