Hunt A Killer: 1973 – Remastered

Von | April 16, 2021

von Hunt A Killer (webseite)

£121.00 $149.00

Sprachen: EN

📦escape book
nicht im angebot
360-600 minuten
FLUF, a not-so-popular 1970s rock band, emerged from obscurity after their lead singer, Darryl Fanton, was brutally murdered. Police claim to have solved the case but things just don't add up. Many people speculate that the killer may still be out there…
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Opening 1973 - REMASTERED was like pressing the play button on a remote control. As we read through the memories of the band members, touched the authentic items that gave us a glimpse of what their lives were like back in the 70s and listened to some of the character's voice memos, it was quite easy to envision a movie playing in our minds. I love the twists and turns the narrative took us on and the endless guesses we've made on who's actually the killer. The light puzzle components were merely tools for the story reveals so if you're solely looking for solving puzzles, this might not be for you. This game is meant to be savored as a theater production rather than merely a tabletop experience!

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