von The Panic Room Online (webseite)
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Needletown is one of the few beacons of law, order, and justice out in the Wild West, all thanks to the friendly neighbourhood sheriff.
Or, so you thought.
Because he’s just been shot.
You heard the gunshot last night, and as the one and only respectable Deputy Sheriff, came racin’ in case the Sheriff needed help. Well, it turned out he did need help alright, but you’re realizin’ you’re a little late for that. Now he only needs help from a priest and grave digger.
Shocked and outraged, you’re ready to track down the outlaw who did this and restore order to Needletown.
However, people’s testimonies have begun suggestin’ you’re the most likely suspect! After all, you’re next in line for the Sheriff’s badge. And everyone knows how much you wanted to be just like ‘im. And it’s hard to advance out here in the wild west when someone else is doin’ all the law-upholdin’ and outlaw-catchin’, now aint it? To top it off, the criminal was seen riding away on a horse, and, well, you got a horse!
Although their arguments be makin’ a lot of sense, you would never disregard the law like that, or your partner in law-upholdin’.
Now you have to prove your own innocence by trackin’ down the real outlaw, before he gets you next. After all, this town ain't gunna be big enough for the both of you.