Tactical Escape 101: Timeline

Von | Februar 6, 2021

von Tactical Escape 101 (webseite)

2900 South Main Street, Wisconsin 54868

2-6 Spieler

2-4 Spieler: £51.00 $63.30
6 Spieler: £77.00 $94.95

🎧schauspieler / audio

It’s the not too distant future and the world is in chaos. But stay positive dudes, you can fix all this with some Weird Science. Apparently, your father has developed a way to go back in time and fix what once went wrong but he has gone missing. It’s now up to you and your friends to activate the time machine and go back to the 80’s to finish what your father started. Are you ready for a totally excellent adventure? 

Do you have what it takes to get back to the future and save the world as we know it? 

Good luck time traveling dudes! 

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