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On an earth scorched by environmental disaster, pushed into mass panic by globalised political paranoia, with dwindling prospects under the steady death rattle of capitalism, Rumbone stands as one of many cities that has recently been granted 'majority non-toxic' status by collettifo officials, lifting the ban on entry; meaning worldwide, these cities - previously seen as monuments to our failings as a species, with their barren, empty streets of silent, towering monoliths now overgrown and sagging under the weight of decades of neglect - now represent opportunity.
For the Exodus community, Rumbone is a wealth of intelligence, hardware and infrastructure known to have failed its original purpose, but potentially vital to theirs: leaving earth to find another habitable planet.
For the Aurora community, it represents new land to farm, old damage to heal and a perfect context to build on the mistakes of our past, working towards a brighter future for humanity here on earth.
With the sole purpose of keeping the peace, the collettifo have allowed each community access to old archives and verified all the information in the provided field guides. Use these to carry out your objectives and report your unique two-digit code upon completion.
But beware the children of the tilled soil, or 'clotters' as they are better known; a dispirate group of cut-throat radicals on the fringes of society who believe the world nearly ended because it was supposed to, and any attempts to prevent humanity's extinction are arrogant & futile...
Two post-apocalyptic puzzle books to solve in tandem. Whether solo, in a pair or playing with two teams, work your way through each section, noting your findings in the log. When your missions are complete, be the first team to submit your three-digit code at the portal to verify your victory!