Escape Room Adventures: Area 52

Von | September 30, 2020

von Escape Room Adventures (webseite)

12995 South Cleveland Ave, Suite 217, FL 33907

2-8 Spieler

£19.00pp $23.11pp

A local journalist has reason to believe an alien is being held captive by local government officials. Your mission is to sneak into Area 52 and get the scoop within one hour!
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Bewertet mit 2 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern

Deine Bewertung


🦡cipherdelic virtuose hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2.5 and 2.5 out of 5
Anonymous hat dies bewertet:Rated between 2 and 2 out of 5

This is not a real avatar game in my opinion. We had a game master and (imaginary) avatar. Actually just poor quality video clips and photos of the room. Only positive thing was that the clock was stopped for the videos and the time that photos started to look clear, ot blurry. Not worth the money at all! In real life could have been at least 3-4 star room, but online failed. Sad.

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